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Stay safe at home in Burlington by staying away from these home security errors

October 23, 2023
Placing house keys under a welcome mat

Are you using your birthday or wedding date as your Wi-Fi password? Placing a key in a mailbox or under a mat for your neighbor? Regrettably, residents put their residences and family members in harm’s way each day by being slack or forgetful about security. Don’t be among them. Preferably, stay safe at home in Burlington by staying away from these common home security errors.

Mistake No. 1: Leaving access points unsecured

Don’t you enjoy the time of year when you can crack windows and open doors to welcome in a refreshing, cool breeze? Just don’t forget to close them when you exit the house! You may be surprised by the amount of residents who are lax about locking these key entry points, the most commonly used areas for intruders to gain admittance.

Do you ever forget to secure the door? What if you could have your smart home security lock them for you? Today’s modern systems make this possible. You’ll stay safe at home in Burlington when you set your smart locks to automatically secure at certain times of the day or after they’ve been opened. If you prefer not to set them, you can still access and activate your locks from any location with your helpful home security app.

Mistake No. 2: Electing to self-monitor in Burlington

Urgent situations frequently take place at the most inopportune times. Envision being on vacation and playing with your kids in the water when an entry point sensor goes off. Or, what if there’s an emergency when your phone is not accessible during a medical appointment. When it comes to protecting your home and family, a backup is vital. A respected monitoring service won’t miss an alarm and responds rapidly to remedy all types of emergencies. Monitoring yourself can be problematic since you’re not going to be available around the clock. Get the assistance and assurance you have a right to with qualified monitoring agents.

Mistake No. 3: Letting packages accumulate on your Burlington doorstep

Letting packages pile up on your doorstep is an enticement to prowlers. Don’t make your home a target. Instead, retrieve your deliveries the moment they appear with the assistance of your smart home. Today’s video doorbells will transmit notifications through your mobile device app when an item is delivered and can even recognize the difference between packages, animals, cars, and people. This feature is valuable in minimizing nonessential communications.

Mistake No. 4: Careless home network security

Wireless security systems have ushered in a new level of access and control. You can examine live video, activate locks, and even adjust your thermostat from wherever you are. But you need to make sure your home network is protected. Lax network security is one of the most prevalent mistakes people make. You can circumvent this by practicing the following:

  • Implement strong passwords and always change the default password on devices like routers.
  • Utilize current Wi-Fi security practices.
  • Put home security devices on a separate network, away from the guest network that offers internet access to friends and family.
  • Make certain you schedule firmware or software updates offered for your router and security components.

Avoid security mistakes that put your Burlington home at risk

One of the easiest ways to avoid common home security mistakes in Burlington is by implementing a modern smart home from Vivint. Tools like remote access, smart locking systems, and round-the-clock monitoring will help safeguard your property night and day. Forget to lock up your main entry or fail to see a critical message? No problem! Your system and its trained monitoring specialists will be there to back you up. Call (802) 945-2439 today to learn more.